viernes, 10 de octubre de 2008

I¨m getting old!!!!!

Last Sabbath on the way to Tegus, Claudia found a white hair! Yesterday I found 2 more. I´m going gray! Its the stress of teaching, I think. I am not happy with these new discoveries! I hope that by the time I leave I´m not so white that have to dye my hair. How horrible would that be! I´ll have to go on a strict juice fast to combat my aging.

In addition to my white hair, I have some wrinkles under my eyes. Oh woe is me!

The upside is that people will stop thinking I´m 16.

Have a wonderful weekend everyone!

2 comentarios:

Anónimo dijo...

Oh, Joy! Such is life. I honestly and seriously think gray hairs (at this stage of life) are caused by stress. There's probably some medical research out there to back this up.... I suppose gray hairs are earned...but I still don't like it when I notice them on my own head!

Erik and Tara dijo...

:) i sympathize with you gal. that's why i'm liking that wrinkle cream you left for me so much! i think we just get prettier with age though, and luckily there is always clairol... :) miss you!